Environmental problems
As it is globally known, there are tons of problems in relation with the environment. But what exactly is an environmental problem? By definition is, a continuous anthropogenic harmful activity which in time, led to the decay of natural balance.
Some of the problems are : exceeded area biocapacity, industrialisation, land degradation and reclamation, urbanization , water conflicts, hydrological reservoirs depletion, floodings and landslides from deforestation or fires, intensive animal and crop farming, overgrazing, pesticide pollution, slash and burn agriculture, nutrient pollution and eutrophication, desertification, habitat fragmentation or destruction, pollution from heavy metals, urban heat island, peri-urbanization, nuclear waste, electronic waste sites , infection sites for urban waste, global warming, sea level rise, Acid rain, unexcepted weather phenomena, shutdown of thermohaline circulation, air pollution with immediate effect on health, growing need for energy, Ozone hole, noise pollution, ocean trash islands, … and the list goes on and on.
It is certain that at least one of these problems concerned your community once. Scary isn’t it?