Global warming
For 2.5 million years the earth climate has suffered from many fluctuations on physical phenomenon’s such as temperature, moisture etc. In the last century, it has been confirmed that the global temperature has increased in a rate that overpass the normal, more specifically according to NASA the average global temperature has increased approximately 1.7 F o (0.94 Co) since 1880, and this phenomenon is accelerating. There are some scientists advocating that this trend has slow downed but resent studies support that this problem is still rising. But, what actually causes the global warming?
It is known that carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants, which are gathered at the atmosphere, absorb the sunlight and solar radiation that bounce on the earth surface. Otherwise, this radiation would return to space. But these emissions trap the heat and engender the process known as greenhouse effect. This phenomenon’s mechanisms are shown in picture 1 and were existing even before the first human civilization making our planet possessing the temperature range which allows us to live on the earth (S. Papas, 2017).
Picture 1. Green house effect mechanism
Unfortunately, from the industrial revolution until now thousand tons of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons are produced. Industries and other human activities like transportation and uses of oil and coal, produce a big amount of greenhouse gasses making the atmosphere trap more than necessary radiation. As a result, the vital greenhouse effect transformed into a threat for life due to the global warming (S. Papas, 2017).
Picture 2. Escalation of the greenhouse effect mechanism due to human activities
It is important to mention that sea ice has declined 50% since 1950s, and it is said that is declined more than 10 % per decade (University of Colorado,2007). According to National Geographic article’s, it is expected that the sea level will be increased between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59 centimeters) until the end of the century, which will inundate coastal areas; also, the seasonal frequency will change. These intense changes may cause the extinction of some animal and plant species, which will not be able to adapt to the new anthropogenic environmental circumstances. It has estimated that the sea level rise about one-eighth of an inch(3.2mm) per year (NOAA, 2017).
Picture 3. Percentage of sea ice thickness and the reduction of its extent.
So, it is an individual obligation to reduce these emissions and promote a more environment-friendly way of life. The use of public transportation and the use of renewable energy sources is a first step towards a safer planet.
Informative video from National Geographic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJAbATJCugs
National Geographic, Causes of Global Warming. Retrieved 3/8/17 from:
National Geographic, Effects of Global Warming. Retrieved 3/8/17 from: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/global-warming-effects/
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,2017. Is sea level rising? Retrieved 12/8/17 from: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sealevel.html
Stephanie Pappas, 2017. What Is Global Warming? Retrieved 12/8/17 from: https://www.livescience.com/37003-global-warming.html
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2007. Arctic Sea Ice Extent May Have Fallen By 50 Percent Since 1950s. ScienceDaily. Retrieved 11/8/17 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/10/071001160655.htm
Picture 1. Retrieved 11/8/17 from https://www.allianz.com/v_1428922157000/en/about_us/open-knowledge/img/greenhouse_effect_shutterstock_ah_51986.jpg
Picture 2. Retrieved 3/8/17 from: https://www.c2es.org/science-impacts/basics
Picture 3. Retrieved 3/8/17 from: https://robertscribbler.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/nowvsthenaug20.png